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English pages of the «Turk-Tatar World»
![]() About this site (Who, why and how created and supports this site)
The site is about Tatar Studies problems. Tatar Studies in the given context mean the complex of the human sciences that research a history, spiritual and material culture of Tatars, including Turkic Studies, Oriental Studies, Islamic Studies, the Tatar philology, cultural science and art criticism, public disciplines. Tasks: propaganda of national consolidation idea of Tatars; popularization of works of historians, ethnologists, linguists, cultural scientists of the Republic of Tatarstan, local and international scientific community; informing Russian and world community about achievements of the Tatar human sciences in the field of Tatar Studies; expansion of the existing information field; creation of a database about scientists and experts who study problems of the Tatar history and culture, the basic directions of fundamental and applied researches of the academic and higher educational institutions science. Priorities: unifying the Tatar nation in all variety of ethnic-historical, sociopolitical, cultural-linguistic, confessional groups; formation and strengthening of national consciousness, education of patriotism and pride for a long history of people and their statehood; revival of original traditions and customs; orientation to all age and social groups of the Tatar population in their compact residing places; historical-cultural, educational, informative orientation. Directions: fundamental and scientific - applied researches in area of Tatar Studies (a history, ethnology, political science, sociology, linguistics, folklore studies, literary criticism, arts, cultural science, monuments/memorial studies etc.); maintenance of activity of Tatar Studies Scientific Council of The Institute of History named after Shigabuddin Mardzhani (Shihab ad-Din al-Marjani), the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; an information map of the Tatar population of the Russian Federation (statistics, the national - cultural organizations, public life, religious structure, contact phones and addresses); improvement of contacts to representatives of Tatar community around the world in a unified information field.
About The Institute of History, the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (A history of foundation, traditions, directions of scientific activity)
Speech of Mr. Rafael S. Hakimov, the director of The Institute of History, The Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, on celebrating of the 5th anniversary of The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES in February, 2002. In June, 1996 the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mintimer Sh. Shaymiev, was issued which is about foundation of the Institute of History at the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. This decision emphasizes special attention of the state and a society to problems of development of humanitarian academic sphere and the historical science in particular. The Institute received rights of the legal status, financing was opened, and the list of staff was authorized by the Decision of Cabinet RT in February 17, 1997. Thus, today we celebrate the fifth year from the date of foundation of The Institute of History as the independent institute in structure of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Undoubtedly, 5 years is a large period of time. The academic historical science has been developing within the framework in the Institute of Language, Literature and History named after Galimdzhan Ibragimov ('Alimjan Ibrahim), the Kazan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for more than 60 years, since 1941 (with foundation of the Historian sector). But bases of national historical school were incorporated much earlier. Serious fundamental and applied researches of a history of tatar people and peoples of Tatarstan were carried out during 1917-1921 by the Northeast Archeological and Ethnographic Institute. In the Academic Center of People Commission of Education of Tatar Autonomy Soviet Socialist Republic since 1925 active research activity has been conducting by the Bureau of Regional Studies, since 1927 the House of the Tatar Culture was engaged for studying of the historical-cultural heritage of the Tatars. The mite to development of the Tatarstan historical science was also brought by the Tatar branch of the Institute of Industrial - Economic Researches (1930-1934). At the same time, I think it is necessary to emphasize, that The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, actively investigates and popularizes the creative heritage and traditions of great predecessors, founders of national historical school – Shigabuddin Marjani, Kayyum Nasyri, Riza Fahretdinov, Hasan-Gata Gabyashi, Hadi Atlasi, Gaziz Gubaydullin and other Tatar scholars and historians of XIX - the beginnings XX centuries. The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, today is a large humanitarian research centre of Tatarstan. Its structure includes:
There are 104 persons who work in the Institute; 70 persons from them are scientific staff, among which are 11 full Professors and 44 Doctors of Philosophy. 72 persons are training in The Centre For Postgraduate Studies. I shall note that there was the essential break in studying a historical-cultural heritage, the long history of Tatars and other peoples of Tatarstan during the last years. The basic results of the fundamental and applied scientific researches carried out by The Institute of History have shown perspectives of the chosen strategy – accent on the complex interdisciplinary approach, close cooperation with conducting scientific centers of Russia and foreign countries. Teamwork of archeologists, ethnographers, historians promotes development and the edition of fundamental works, effective introduction and popularization of the best results achieved by scientists. Therefore, in further The Institute aspires to develop collective research works, not to break off, but to strengthen fruitful dialogue of experts, to exchange perspective ideas, discoveries, and new approaches in development of unsolved problems. These principles are incorporated in the concept of development of historical researches of The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Specifity of The Institute of History is also a wide range of investigated directions and problems - from a history of ancient Turkic civilizations to modern developments of a society. There is no need to stop on a detailed illustration of all of directions of research work of Institute. I shall be limited to ascertaining only some results. First of all, I would like to note, as one of breakfull directions of The Institute is an establishment of effective creative connections with historians of Moscow, St. Petersburg, of some international centers, especially in Hungary, Germany, Finland, almost all countries, which are studying the history of Tatars and Tatarstan. Due to these contacts Kazan became the centre of researches in the field of Turkic history as a whole. There are many conferences and scientific forums in Kazan, which are well visited by scientists. We managed to bring in serious corrective amendments in concerning the scientific environment, politicians, and intellectuals of Russia to those difficult periods of our history which always caused the certain psychological pressure in the society. First of all, it concerns to the big scientific theme connected to the studying of the history of Golden Horde. It is a great task, we only approach it. But there are also some results. Serious break in this direction is made by scientists of The Institute together with colleagues of leading scientific centers of Russia in joint scale work on creation of a multivolume history of the Tatars. The first volume was prepared.
The first volume On presentation of first volume
It is devoted to a history of ancient Turkic civilizations, representing research of ethnic genesis of Turkic peoples. The works on a history of the state formations of ancient Turks are issued. In this connection it is necessary to reconsider some pages of textbooks of the Russian history. I think that it will be a task for historians of our Institute during the nearest years. Preparation and edition of the fundamental monography "The Tatars" which has generalized researches of ethno political history of Tatars, material and spiritual culture for last 30 years, became doubtless achievement of collective of The Institute of History. It is practically new sight, new approaches.
Monography On presentation of monography «The Tatars»
The work on the edition of the next volumes of the Historical-ethnographic atlas of Tatars is continued. The publication of “The National costume of Tatars of the Volga region and Ural” volume, and volumes that devoted to weaving of the Tatars, their customs and traditions, became a phenomenon. In previous years the researches connected to the date of establishment of Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, have caused special interest in the public. Wide archeological researches in territory of the Kazan Kremlin and its suburb are continuing. There is a big task before scientists to create an effective concept of the Kremlin development, its future and museumization. Actually we closely came to creation in territory of the Kazan Kremlin of a lot of remarkable museums which will represent a history of the City and the Republic. The technique of dating of early city settlements which developed by scientists of The Institute was applied by us at archeological studying of Yelabuga. Results of excavation, expert opinions of Kazan, Perm', Izhevsk, Yoshkar Ola, Moscow, discussed on scientific conferences in Kazan and twice in Yelabuga convincingly have allowed to testify about occurrence of the City on boundary of X-XI centuries. But, by the way, our Moscow colleagues try to use this technique to reconsider dating of some Russian cities. It is very important for us to be prepared for a 1000-anniversary of Kazan and scientifically to provide humanitarian, historical-cultural sphere in preparation of this big celebration. Researches of the Kazan scientists essentially deepen understanding of all history of the Russian statehood. The Iinstitute of History became the coordinating centre of researches of a history of the Tatarstan capital, and it carries out together with the Kazan Council of People's Deputies the program of preparation of the academic history of Kazan and realization of the project “The Great Volga Way”. In this direction the realization of annual international conferences that gather scientists starting from Iran and finishing with Scandinavia is important for us. On this forum the historical, culture and economic problems of formation and development of one of the major trading and historical ways of the East Europe, civilized ridge of the Central Russia, are examined. The staff of The Institute prepares “The History of the Kazan Municipal Duma (1871-1918)” for an issue. We consider that the development of regional researches is one of the important directions. Certainly we aspire to conduct the researches in territory of all Russia - we conduct as far as we can and as far as means allow archeological excavations near Saint Petersburg and Astrakhan, we make complex scientific expeditions on revealing and studying of monuments of the Tatar historical-cultural heritage in territory of the Russian Federation. However the main priority for us should become studying of a history of separate regions of the Republic of Tatarstan. Earlier we represented the history of Tatarstan more from the view of Kazan, but today we have the centers on studying a historical heritage of administrative-territorial regions of the Republic in The Institute. First of all, this is direction that connected to preparation and edition The Al'metivsk (Elmet) Encyclopedia. In fact, this is a new technique of the approach to a regional history and to its narration. Similar relations develop between us and Yelabuga. We have concluded the appropriate agreement with the State Pedagogical Institute of Yelabuga. Research of monuments of a historical-cultural heritage of the Tatarstan peoples and Tatars in territory of the Russian Federation is actively developed by The Institute, in the last years expeditions to all Tatar settlements of the Middle Volga region are carried out. The Institute of History has issued the first volume of “The Collection of monuments of the Tatarstan history and culture”. This is a good help to strengthen work on preparation and the edition of regional researches, history of separate rural regions. We already have some samples of such history. Today this program proceeds, and we hope, that it will include all Republic. The big contribution has brought The Institute to development and studying of a history of national business and merchant class, Muslim clergy. Last years a very important role is given to Islamic studies. In this sphere The Institute has the priorities. The big attention from various countries is given to researches that conduct in our Institute, especially in that part where we offer Islamic-Christian dialogue. It causes extreme interest all over the world - both scientific, and political. The Institute will carry out a very representative international conferences where gather all biggest Islamic researchers of the world, the Orthodox and Catholic scientists, representatives of Vatican. The fact, that The Institute of History is the founder of the Russian Islamic University is also not occasional. We hope that it becomes good base not only for scientific researches, but also for a professional training. The important direction of The Institute researches is political, economic, social reforms in last 10 years. The analysis of this period helps to build the further perspective of the Republic development. Therefore the theme of the contract, federalism, development of federalism has taken the big place in the program of research works of The Institute. Kazan is the leader in researches of the given problematic. One more direction of activity of The Institute is an active propagation of scientific knowledge. The history is specific, everybody is interested in it, so we have the whole series of programs on TV. There is a creative symbiosis between scientists of The Institute and the creative group "Panorama" which already resulted in some films about history of Kazan (4 parts), Yelabuga, an icon of Kazan Divine Mother etc. It is very pleasant, that we have received the order from Germany on 4-part documentary film about Golden Horde. Thus, it is possible to note some positive results of activity of The Institute of History. They are: the work on development of applied projects, strengthening of connections between a fundamental historical science and regional research programs, expansion of the international relations and expansion of creative contacts with the leading academic centers that are supported by contracts on scientific cooperation, occurrence of own polygraph base in The Institute. However it is necessary to emphasize problems which are typical not only for The Institute of History, but also for the majority of research institutions of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The greatest of them is staff potential. There is a sharp problem concerning preparation of the young scientific staff. We have practically settled potential of Kazan, those scientists who work there. We have found everyone who is engaged in history of Tatars in Russia. It is difficult to speak about expansion of our research activity if there will not be the youth. Here we take some actions; we announce a competition in order to find talented youth and to prepare them for serious historical researches. Increase of the financial means given by the Academy of Sciences for the edition of proceedings would stimulate efforts of scientists. Everyone knows that only small amounts of money are given for the publishing program of The Institute. While during the last year The Institute published more than 40 names of books, using all possible sources of financing. The Institute issued almost 170 (168) names of books, monographies, various collections of scientific articles etc for the last five years. Such books are really on a high level and are worthy to issue them in the mass editions. The Institute of History has developed an own mini-printing house to solve this problem. We can ascertain that The Institute of History has met the anniversary in the good form. I thank the staff of The Institute for effective work, I wish for all of you health, happiness and creative successes! Thank you for attention!
Departments of The Institute of History
The National Centre of Archeological Researches (NCAR). The basic directions of scientific researches are in studying ware archeological materials and reconstruction of social and economic relations and culture of ancient societies on the basis of these materials analysis. The supervisor of The National Centre of Archeological Researches (NCAR) is Airat G. Sitdikov. Three themes are developed in NCAR: Bolgar (Bulgar) and its districts; Bilyar and its districts; Archeology of Tatarstan, field researches and generalization of the received material in territory of the ancient Kazan and examinations on protection of archeological objects.
Medieval History department.
The main scientific directions: sources study and a historiography of the Tatars and Tatarstan, the History of formation and development of the Tatar nation. The researched problematic covers the period from the ancient times up to the end of XIX century. The supervisor of this department is Il'dus K. Zagidullin.
Modern and Current History department. The main direction of scientific researches of staff at present is the deep development of problems of the Tatarstan history and the Kazan history in the 20th century in the light of new approaches on the new base and the well known ones. The supervisor of this department is Ravil U. Amirkhanov.
Ethnology department.
The basic directions of scientific researches of the department are: development of fundamental problems of formation and development of traditional culture of the Tatars (it is carried out on the basis of large-scale inspection of regions of compact residing of the Tatars); ethnosociological researches that are directed on studying modern ethnosocial, ethnodemographical, ethnocultural, ethnopolitic processes in the Republic of Tatarstan; research of problems ethnogenesis and an ethnic history. Ethnology department is headed by Rozalinda N. Мusina.
The Department of History of Public Thought and Islamic Studies. Priority directions of researches of the department are: studying of the Tatar political and philosophical thought of the end of XVIII - the beginning of XX centuries, Islamic Studies - revealing of a place and a role of Islam in spiritual culture of Tatars, formation of authentic and adequate imaginations about Islam, studying the sources on the Tatar theology. Since 2001 the department is headed by Rafik M. Muhametshin. Practically for the first time staff of the department have analyzed philosophical and theological works of such largest Tatar thinkers as Gabdennasr Kursavi, Shihabuddin Marjani, Musa Jarulla Bigiev, Kayyum Nasyri, Gataulla Bayazitov, Kul'tyasi, Rizaeddin Fahretdinov, Ahmadhadi Maksudi, Sadri Maksudi, Yusuf Akchura. The first serious researches about jadidism, the Tatar educational thought, Muslim reformation, medieval history of the Tatar public - philosophical thought were written. This department is headed by Rafic M. Мukhametshin.
The Centre of History and Theory of the National Education.
Activity of the Centre is directed on development of 4 main problems: perfection of the contents and methods of teaching of the Tatarstan state languages and the Tatar literature at national (non-Russian) and Russian schools; ethnopedagogical problems of teaching and educational work at national (Tatar) school; the history and the theory of the Tatar national education and pedagogics; scientific - methodical bases of teaching the Tatar and Tatarstan history, history of Islam and history of the Tatar public thought in the school level. The Centre is supervised by Farit M. Sultanov.
The Department of the Collection of Monuments of the Tatarstan History and Culture; nowadays the Kazan Institute of Historical-Cultural Heritage. The staff of the department properly investigated the Republic administrative regions. They revealed all most significant objects of historical-cultural heritage of Tatarstan, fixed it and passported, published more than twenty monographic researches devoted to historical-architectural studying saved and already lost cultural, historical values of the Republic. The major direction of scientific work became studying of monuments of historical-cultural heritage of Tatars in places of their compact residing in territory of the Russian Federation. During complex expeditions to the Tatar settlements of fifteen regions of Russia are investigated. The important place among scientific interests of staff is given to the research of history of Muslim clergy and national business. Many books were issued on history of separate administrative regions, settlements of Tatarstan, the enterprises and the organizations, in the Centre of studying of historical-cultural heritage of the Tatarstan people, founded in 1997. In February, 2003 self-supporting research divisions of The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - the department of The Collection of Monuments and the Centre of studying of the Tatarstan historical-cultural heritage were reorganized to the independent noncommercial organization «The Kazan Institute of Historical-Cultural Heritage». The supervisor of this Institute is Ramil' R. Hayrutdinov. Major goals of the Institute consist in realization of positions of the Convention of UNESCO about protection of the world cultural heritage, realization fundamental and applied researches in the sphere of studying of historical-cultural heritage of Tatars and people of the Republic of Tatarstan, scientific maintenance of a regional policy on protection and use of historical and cultural heritage, and also in preparation of the highly skilled scientific staff in the field of heraldry, monument studies and museum affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. Special value is given to coordination of works on studying, creation and the establishment of territorial symbolic of the Republic of Tatarstan, maintenance of scientific - organizational activity of Heraldic Council under supervision of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. This activity is assigned to the Centre of Heraldic Researches of the Kazan Institute of Heritage (headed by Minnullin I.R.) .
Computerization department. It works in the following directions: maintenance service of computers, installation and adjustment of the software support of unit of a switched liaison channel for connection of The Institute to the Internet, service of unit The Institute E-mail (there is a post server), development of the local computer network of The Institute, preparation of original - breadboard models of monographies, collections, magazines and the books issued by The Institute, participation in creation of The Institute web-site, maintenance of process of updating of the information. The head of Computerization department is Lia М. Zigangareeva.
The multiplying centre. With the initiative of Management Unit of The Institute in 2002 the own polygraph base was created, publishing Council was formed. After the establishment of this small printing house scientists of The Institute have an opportunity quickly and in high quality to issue their monographic works, collections of articles, the scientific - methodical literature. In the period from 1997 to 2003 by staff of The Institute of History more than 200 names of proceedings were published. The multiplying centre is supervised by Tatyana V. Astaf'eva.
The Centre For Postgraduate studies (Aspirantura) of The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (Information about The Centre For Postgraduate studies of The Institute of History, TAS: specialties, the rule of admission and transfer)
Work of The Centre For Postgraduate studies of The Institute of History, TAS is based on The Rule about preparation of the scientific - pedagogical and scientific staff in the system of postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation (No 814 from 27.03.1998). There is a license for the right of conducting educational activity in sphere of postgraduate professional education No 24Н-0785 from 18.06.2002. The Centre For Postgraduate studies of The Institute of History, TAS is financed from budget of the republic of Tatarstan. There is an opportunity of study on the basis of target financing under the application of the certain organization. Admission to The Centre For Postgraduate studies is carried out according to the annual plan of accepting on a competitive basis after passing of three entrance examinations: a specialty, philosophy and foreign language. There are full-time tuition (3 years) and tuition by correspondence (4 years) forms of in the Centre. Competition (Soiskatel'stvo) is another form (without tuition) of work on the dissertation without admission to The Centre For Postgraduate studies. Studying in The Centre For Postgraduate studies is conducted on the following specialities: 07.00.02 – The National History, 07.00.06 - Archeology, 07.00.07 - Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology, 09.00.03 - History of Philosophy, 09.00.11 - Social Philosophy, 13.00.02 - The Theory and Technique of Teaching and Education (on areas and educational levels), 17.00.04 - Arts and Architecture. The head of The Centre For Postgraduate studies of The Institute of History, The Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, is Roza B. Gimadutdinova.
About Dissertational Council at The Institute of History, THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No 1220-в from October, 17, 2003 authorized structure of Dissertational Council “K 022.002.01” for discussion of thesis for awarding the Ph.D degree (kandidat nauk) (07.00.02 - «The National History» on historical sciences, 07.00.06 - "Archeology" on historical sciences.) at The Institute of History, named after Shihabuddin Marjani, of The Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.
Scientific Council on Tatar Studies (The information about Scientific Council on Tatar Studies: general positions, activity of Council and so forth)
Scientific Council on Tatar Studies problems at The Institute of History of The Tatarstan Academy of Sciences is created for the purpose of coordination in researches on Tatar Studies problems and rendering of scientific consultation to the branches. The structure of Council is formed from among the outstanding scientists that are competent in field of Tatar Studies and affirms by the decision of the Academic Council of The Institute of History, The Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The main purposes and tasks. The main purposes of activity of the Council are: conceptual definition of the basic research directions in the field of Tatar Studies; offering the assistance to the branches of the Council in their activity on research of Tatar Studies problems, its preservation and development, propagation of the historical-cultural heritage of Tatars. For achievement of the aforementioned purposes the Council solves the following problems: it assists the branches on definition of priority directions in studying actual problems of Tatar Studies; involves the branches to the organization of scientific and practical actions; carries out the methodical and advisory help by preparation and conducting the conferences, seminars, «round tables» on problems of Tatar Studies; promotes the edition of collective proceedings; assist in a professional training; promote the organization and functioning of museums, revival historical toponyms.
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